PHP Developer
All my life I've been a real fan of programming. In the middle of college I started working professionally as PHP developer. It was 2005 and since then I have gathered a lot of experience. I started from Basic and Simon's Basic on Commodore 64. When I was 13 I got my first PC and my first step was QBasic and Assembler. Then I switched to high-level language, Borland Pascal. University was a time when I learned C++, PHP and other web-technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript.
PHP team leader
In 2007 I established my own company, Internet Studio. It is small software house where me and 4 other great developers have built many commercial projects. Since we prefer backend development we are focused on management systems like ERP and CRM. We have a lot of luck because we have got the chance to create huge application for business supporting, medical branch, e-shopping, time tracking for companies across the Europe.
Moodle developer
Since 2014 we've cooperated with great international company which is Official Platinum Partner of Moodle / Totara LMS systems. As a contractor we are working together providing amazing learning management systems to clients across the UK and worldwide. I've been a lead moodle developer for 2 years. See the list of my Moodle useful parts of code.
How I work
In most cases I charge on hourly rate basis. If project is bigger and has well documented specification I prefer flat rate. For big projects where development is stretched on few months I can invoice once a month with fixed monthly price. So I'm flexible in therms of employment method. After every work is done I issue the invoice. I have the VAT UE number (PL 5732542140) so I can issue the invoices without VAT tax included.